In Michael Kimmel's "Bro's Before Hos: The Guy Code", he elaborates on how men are meant to operate in today's society with respect to general acceptance by other men. He says that men are constantly being judged and scrutinized by other men based off what they say, how they dress and if they are emotionally open, leading to exposed weaknesses and forced defense systems that have no connection to biology or the general make-up of man. In other words, "the guy code" is essentially a a false belief system comprised of ideals that conflict with man's natural growth and biological harmony with their bodies, minds and general well being.
Homophobia definitely plays a huge role in "the guy code", perhaps the most central role simply because the ideals in the guy code itself are polar opposites to the ideals of the stereotypical homosexual. Kimmel certainly feels it plays a factor by saying "[t]he cardinal rule of manhood, the one from which all the other characteristics- wealth, power, status, strength, physicality- are derived is to offer constant proof that you are not gay" (613). Although not congruent with all powerful men, the fact that we are all trying to escape from a single idea or a single perspective of ourselves makes all too much sense. Why else is our society so successful and clearly striving for dominance and competition when as children these ideals of emulating an immovable object are so prevalent? It is because we as men, every minute of every day are battling our innate need for emotional connectivity, centralized self-awareness and ability to say "I'm wrong" which has lead to a warped view of not only what a man truly is but what reality is and how any individual actually effects it. The idea of being gay has manifested into the opposite of what it takes to make your mark on the world and therefore been considered taboo by those who have lead the example of success and power. There is no logic in "the guy code" other than the man next to you is better, therefore something is wrong with you, you need to fix it. It is a complete fallacy created by greed and competition derived from our need to not be misperceived as strange or abnormal which has taken physical from as gay.
I love your entire analysis of this story! My favorite part is when you talk about guys saying their wrong. Just a little typo, you put a twice in the first paragraph but other than that great job! Keep it up!